Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I can't think of anything nicer to talk about right now than the meeting we shared with the Our Iowa "Lucky i" winner, Betty.  She was a spritely 92 years old, sharp as a tack, attractive, and so pleased to be a winner.  She was a REAL winner, all the way around. She lives in a lovely little apartment and read that Our Iowa magazine from cover to cover and then again.  

We unwrapped her prize together: four BirchHeart Snowmen. We selected them special cause they were so cute.  "Building Friendships" (we sure did that afternoon) "Friends are Special" (they sure are) "Love keeps a family warm" and "Hug my Heart".  See them right here http://www.kannimports.com/birchheart/all_birchheart.html

Hey, we're just having fun with this blogging experience.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a fun story! Iowa winters need some excitement thrown in whenever possible. Love your website!!
